Across the UK, you will find plenty of showrooms and dealerships that deal with an exceptionally exclusive level of cars – often some of the rarest and most expensive vehicles on the planet. Todays subject however, takes that one step further.

Founded in 2016 by experienced auctioneer Max Girardo, Girardo and Co have spent the last 8 years refining the recipe on how to sell some of the world’s most sought after, and significant, automobiles. Many of the examples that have passed through their hands have been both historically and periodically important, but what sets out Girardo and co from the rest?

After speaking with the team from Girardo, it is obvious that the passion for all things four wheeled and fast runs very deep within the whole team. Whether it be sales or marketing, every team member works with cars because they have always had a deep obsession with them, not just because it’s “something to do”.

I could talk for days about Girardo as a whole, but for now I want to focus on their breathtaking showroom. The Girardo and Co site is the kind which you’d expect to be on some tropical Mediterranean island, its cradled by tall palm trees and all kinds of exotic plants which really deliver an overseas feel.

Branded “the farm” by its founder, the dealership is split among two buildings. The first is “the barn”, and was the first building to receive a makeover when Girardo purchased The Farm in early 2021. Featuring flattering lighting, a small library and housing all their main stock, The Barn is the centre of Girardo’s business. However, that is not all that is has to offer, this building is very important to one of their main services…

Girardo currently holds the largest collection of historic and period correct photos from pretty much every single motorsport event you could think of, making them a crucial contributor to a large number of documentaries. Prevalent car magazine Hagerty are one of the customers who use Girardo’s photo archive on a regular basis, often using photos in many their YouTube videos.

Having such an impressive showroom is merely just a benefit of Girardo’s excellent service, ever since I first visited, I have been greeted with open arms – even though I may be a few pennies short of buying something. The friendliness and generosity of the Girardo and Co team is genuinely second to none, surpassing all of my expectations and making it clear that the buying and selling of cars is something they take real pride in.

What really sets them apart from other showrooms across the country is their unrivalled ability to deliver a complete package. Girardo have the ability to source, sell, and then store whatever it is that you’re looking for, and it makes the whole process just that little bit less stressful.